Quantum Computer

Published by praWriter on

As its name suggest quantum computer is based on quantum mechanics. Quantum computers are nothing like classical computers that we are using in everyday life. It is way more powerful than latest supercomputer we have till date. Quantum computer is still in its developing phase but has absolutely given us glimpse of its computing power.

unlike classical computer which works on 0 and 1 binary bits, Quantum computer works on Qubits (Quantum Bits). Qubits is a superposition of 0 and 1 bits. Superposition is a state where particle is in two forms at the same time. Qubits allows data processing grows exponentially. Quantum computers can keep up with the complexity of nature. We could model the world/reality for the first time. 300 qubits could hold more numbers simultaneously than there are atoms in the universe.

With superposition and entanglement, quantum computers can store and manipulate vast amounts of information. Entanglement is a phenomenon when two particles can be linked so that one particle always gives the same outcome as other.

Classical computer bits are made from tiny transistors. Qubits is anythings that exhibits quantum behaviour (electron, atom,molecules). Classical computer uses logic gates, quantum gates can run all possibilities at once making find solution of a complex calculation in no time.

There are various benefits we could get from quantum computers. Such as, new molecules can be modelled, new material can be found, predict weather accurately. We can code the rules of physics into the way atoms interact.

Manipulation of nature through code is called quantum algorithm. Quantum code manipulates qubits to decide to resemble the corresponding answer. It have wave like properties, canceling out the wrong data and amplif the correct information.

Construction of quantum computer is based on single electron within silicon to create qubits. These electrons are called quantum dots. qubits uses metallic superconductor to create quantum state. Superconductor is described by a single macroscopic quantum wavefunction. Ψ=|ψ|êφ However the challenge is that for qubits to be in superposition it should be free from all radiation, temperature of almost absolute zero must be maintained.

USA and China are fundings billions of dollars in manufacturing of quantum computers. Companies like Honeywell, Google, IBM, Intel, D-wave, Microsoft are in the race of getting Quantum Supremacy. Quantum Supremacy is capability where quantum computer beats the best supercomputer in the world in solving problems. Surely quantum computers will make our past look really slow.


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